Baptisms are a joyful occasion for both the candidate and the life of the church. Baptism marks us as belonging to Christ is in response to the love we feel from God. We make promises (or they are made on behalf of a child) to remember to turn toward Christ as the mark of Love in our lives.

There are three symbols used in baptism:


We are ‘washed’ with water that has been prayed over to separate it from ordinary use, it is made sacred; holy water. Without water, life is impossible, but we also know the great power that water has. Washing with water symbolises an ending of a life before baptism and the beginning of a new life, turned toward the mark of Love.


‘Christ’ means anointed one. To be Christened means to be anointed as a Christian. The oil, like the water, has been blessed and set aside for this use. Usually, this is done by the bishop during Holy Week (before Easter).


The candle symbolises the Light of Christ in the world, and in our lives. We light it from the paschal candle which is first lit on Easter Day as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection and life which encompasses all of creation. This joyful and powerful presence in our lives is what we offer to one another through baptism.

To arrange a baptism, please Contact Us.